目前分類:日劇 (5)

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  • Jul 30 Wed 2008 13:20
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kcage 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



kcage 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I haven't typed in English for about two weeks, ever since I finished the AWA writing exam. The reason why I am doing this now is owing that one of the MOFA staffs, who is concerned much about my career, asked me to write some articles during my office hours in order to improve my English ability.

This kind of English writing is kind of different from the AWA writing, for I have to argue the issue that is set by myself as well. This time, the topic I would like to talk about is "Can you speak English?"

As I mentioned in the last article, I watched the Japanese drama series, Dragonsakura,on the day before, and I got some inspiration from the drama. In one part of the series, Sakuragi hired a new English teacher to replace the old one who is not capable of improving the students' English grades.

kcage 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

唉 一定不可以在週末沒事情的時候看日劇的第一集
每次都是這樣 看了第一集 就會一整天就沈迷在此
不過 還好這次有個一起陪我墮落的室友 哈哈
阿部寬 又再度被這個熟男害了
害我一整天沒有看任何Reading 也沒有背完一張單字

kcage 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

大學畢業也離開宿網這兩年 也等於跟日劇說再見
除了看看緯來日本台之外 再也沒辦法下載這些2G多的日劇
所以 這兩年只看了"不能結婚的男人" 不過真是太好看了
阿部寬從小看到大 在我ㄧ看再看的日劇名單中 幾乎都有阿部寬的身影
像是西洋古董洋菓子店的阿影 Hero裡的芝山

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